May 30, 2004

trojan man

so i feel it is my duty to share with my friends what i thought of the movie troy, which sophia and i saw this afternoon. i went into it thinking what most women did, i'm sure. brad pitt and orlando bloom and that guy from the hulk? cool. also, i'm a fan of mythology and i read and enjoyed the iliad and in my head i had the mythic and rich image of a boy being held by his ankle and bathed in the river. i mean the odyssey and the iliad, how much more epic can you get? well let me save you the trouble. the greeks go after helen of troy. now helen is not really from troy, she's from sparta. and the trojan horse isn't trojan at all. it's made by the greeks. now that you know those few details, because you may have been a bit foggy about the story since it's been years since you studied it, let me tell you how it ends. the greeks win. they use a big wooden horse to penetrate the impenetrable walls. you don't need melodramatic music scores, the ultimate assembly of cliches, '70s western washed-out lighting or cute boys to know how the story ends. i laughed at the tears, the brotherly love, the sacrifice, the battle cries, the desecration of the gods' temples, the love scenes, and the gratuitous shots of brad pitt's happy trail. brad pitt's portrayal of achilles is the only thing that kept me sitting down, besides the fact that i couldn't remember who did and didn't die. but 2 hours and 42 minutes of brad and whiney orlando does not a good movie make. off my soapbox now...


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