Jul 7, 2004

shiny happy family

So Saturday my bro and I drove down to the coast to spend the fourth with the parents and my mom's cousin and hubby. We hung out, bullshitted (as our family is prone to do) and told lots of bad jokes. If y'all have been to my apartment, you may have seen a certain photo of a man and woman standing together with their arms around each other with the woman (my mom's cousin) wearing a shirt that says Got Woody? with woody woodpecker next to it. The punchline that you may not be aware of is that her husband's name is Woody. Just this weekend, I got to hear an interesting little story about their honeymoon. Turns out they were very excited when my parents invited them to South Padre Island. No one really understood what was so exciting about it. I mean the beach is great and everything, but it's just a beach and they've lived minutes from Galveston together for twenty-five years. Well it turns out that the day they got married, they had some kind of altercation with the cops and ended up in jail. So they never got to go to South Padre for their honeymoon.

Sunday, I woke up and watched "Say Anything" and came to the conclusion that the scene of Diane Cort's father having a breakdown in the bathtub is completely extraneous. Even tainted my enjoyment of the boombox scene in the driveway. We went to the beach, saw lots of large trucks and cheap beer and one tent set up on the beach had a Redneck Windchime with Bud Light cans hanging in a line clanging against each other. Ross and I decided to head back to Austin that evening rather than sit around at the condo watching TV. However, we did leave with some things, as often happens after leaving my parents. I returned home with a bottle of white wine, a mango, three Fredericksburg peaches, homemade blueberry jam and some of Woody's spicy gumbo. I love texas.

On Monday, I had a lovely lunch with Dorothy at Chipotle. Then my friend Shelby and I drove out to Lake LBJ because I didnt feel I'd gotten my fair share of water and sun for the weekend. We tried to rally the troops but no one would join us, so we made the drive (a little over an hour) to our little cabin by the lake and got some Coors lights and took the boat out. We drove around for a while with me at the helm and then came back and managed to actually get the boat back into the boat house. Then languorously chilled in the water with those foam noodles till we were tired and hungry and drove into town to get Dairy Queen. It was so relaxing. Has anyone noticed that Dairy Queen seems to be an essentially road trip restaurant?

Then last night was trivia night at Mother Egan's. Dave Y had invited me last week and I couldn't go cuz I was sick and it was rainy outside, but I made it out this week to join some of my co-workers for the trivia blitz. If you've never done this trivia thing, basically there are lots of different teams and you come up with a clever name for your team (we were: Have you ever seen a grown man naked?) and then answer eight rounds of questions relating to pop culture stuff. It's basically like trivial pursuit without the cards, dice and colored pies.

I suck at trivial pursuit.

Luckily, there were lots of humorous people on my team that kept things interesting during the 20 minute lags between rounds where they tallied everyone's scores. And our aussie waitress that frequently brought the wrong drinks if she brought our drinks at all provided ample opportunity for scorn and ridicule. Alright I best get back to the grind. Three trivial details you should know:

Mork and Mindy's baby was named Mirth,
Cher's perfume line is called Uninhibited, and
Celine Dion's singing makes her son cry.



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