Jun 22, 2004

i'm only happy when it rains

So last night was night #4 of my How long can 34 mosquito bites which I am slightly allergic to keep me from sleeping? experiment. I say experiment because it allows me to pretend that I am exerting full control over my itchy insomnia. I might go so far as to say it is intentional. On top of the itching, what sleep I did get last night made me think that maybe someone slipped the worm into my margarita last night because I had some pretty crazy dreams going on. I wont say that they rivaled anything in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but they were something. Of course I cant tell you what they were, just that they were crazy, CRAZY. Anyway, the second part of this little story is that when the alarm began shrieking at me at 6 a.m. I was very pleased to find that the sky had matched itself to my insomniac mood and thunder was growling as I got out of the shower. This actually made me happier. Somehow it is easier to begin a day without sleep when it is not bright and sunny outside; your mind and your body dont have to pretend to be anything they are not. Nothing can demand that your mood be elevated. So I drove through the rain, listening to Who needs sleep? by the Barenaked Ladies, and barely even minded when I dropped my keys in the water as I was getting out of the car or when the soda machine ate my dime and left me diet-pepsi-less. 8:31 a.m. and all is in equilibrium.


At 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

amanda go check your friendster profile! i just spent a fucking half an hour paring it down to fit 1000 characters! those stingy, silly bitches at friendlyland.
miss you!!! D.


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