Jun 9, 2004

political bog blog

before the speech... Posted by Hello

this weekend, i photographed the TIPRO annual conference in houston, which is a state-wide non-profit association of independent oil and gas producers and royalty owners. my father just finished his two-year term as president. there were lots of jolly texas oilmen and their well-dressed wives and lots of guffaws and hand-shaking. this is all well and good and has provided me the opportunity to learn that i can schmooze with the best of them. the weekend had one low point which occurred when Congressman Pete Sessions, a republican from dallas, gave a talk to the members. now i don't know if you've heard of this man. i hadn't and i don't think most of the TIPRO members had but i felt it was very important to share this man's wisdom with the masses. and almost all of these comments were part of his speech, not generated in response to any questions. most of what follows are direct quotes from his speech:

this one pertained, i believe, to what the democrats would have to do to defeat bush (it would make more sense if he were talking about the terrorists, which came up many times, but no i think it was about the democrats) this is about the time i started tuning into what he was saying...

3 options to defeat Bush:

#1 - defeat him at the polls
#2 - kill him
#3 - kill his father at the Olympics

by the way, yes he supports bush, and no he wasn't making a joke, just trying to put himself in the democrats shoes. ok moving on.

(regarding the 1000 remaining terrorists in the U.S.)

I believe we should send them to meet Allah tomorrow morning. I think we should kill all those bastards.

It is one of the most un-American things, I think, the way the Senate operates.

(I think this guy needs to go back to high school government)

and this may bother the more grammatically correct of you:

We will point directly at the culprits. The culprits are Tom Daschle.

I hate no government agency more than I hate the IRS, but the EPA comes pretty darn close.

This is what it boils down to: the gays and lesbians want to destroy the Boy Scouts of America.

after that, he appealed to the audience by asking how comfortable they would feel sending their 11-year-old child to camp out in the wilderness with a gay man, then answered his own question by saying you wouldn't.

The day this country allows gay marriages, we're in trouble.

and finally, after all those great comments about his fellow citizens, he brings up the fact that he has a child with down's syndrome and says:

He's just as precious to God as we all are.



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