Aug 4, 2004

ode to an office chair

I have a squeaky chair. This is the same chair that I had to get a doctor's note from Maine for so that my employers would purchase something that would support my back more fully. So I technically have no right to bitch about the squeaking. After all, it's new squeaking. It's squeaking that means that my back is in a happier place. But it's squeaking nonetheless.

When I laugh, it squeaks. My laugh is loud enough (as I've been told at work) that I don't need any office chair modulating my noise output. It squeaks when I sit up, when I slump, when I reach forward to pick up my Nalgene bottle or sometimes for no reason at all. As I type this sentence, my chair squeaked twice.

Please, someone come unsqueak me.


At 3:13 PM , Blogger particleman said...

i'm imagining you laughing in a chair that squeaks in response to your laughter and i'm laughing. but thankfully, my chair does not squeak. it just puts my legs to sleep.


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