Nov 15, 2004


so i realize it's been 2 weeks since i posted, so i figured i should fill you in on what i've been doing. a ridiculous sum of bubble baths have been had, a shocking amount of alcohol has been consumed. and while these things can be quite lovely when indulged in for their own sakes, they have been bubble baths and beers of escape. escape from my Hellacious Co-worker. i have been so stressed that i've been doing everything possible to try to relax, including not working on my grad school applications, going to bed at ridiculous times (twice so early as 8:30 p.m.), watching mass quantities of Jag, and the aforementioned drunkenness and bubble baths (sometimes at the same time).

So, HC, as i like to call her, is pretty much everything you could possibly want in a hated co-worker. she's dumb (has had to ask three different people how to cut and paste on the computer - yes, that's right, and she was hired as a writer for a website), she asks people to do things for her instead of figuring it out herself, she sounds like selma and patty on the simpsons (except more breathy than husky, and also more annoying), she talks about things which i don't want to hear about (out-of-body experiences, her dogs' bowel problems, the clean-up necessary for her dogs' bowel problems, her own bowel problems (that's right, she doesn't have a colon) and about how she hasn't found her voice as a writer. she's FORTY-FIVE!!!), and a couple of weeks ago, she actually threw something at me to get my attention rather than figure out how to work MSN Messenger or stand up and walk to my desk. she also has phlegm issues and sits not 3 feet away from me, so, even when i have my headphones on, i am subjected to this incessant throat-clearing, not to mention the long conversations she has with herself, and the vast number of phone calls which she engages in, despite the supposed courteous cell phone policy we're supposed to have. in short, she is the anti-christ. i have not written about her previously because i try to avoid talking negatively about people i work with on here, but i can't keep it in anymore.

there. i feel much better. time for wine.


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