Jun 21, 2007

that damn grass

lately i've been thinking a lot about what i need to have when i start grad school. i know that it's not imperative that i have every lens i could ever use or the $2500 digital camera that i want, but it seems like every time i blink, i'm seeing a photo taken by a nikon camera and thinking goddamn i want my pictures to look like that. and here's the thing. i made really nice photos with my little 1972 manual canon. i loved using it, i didn't have a problem having to focus manually and rewind it myself. but ever since i got my 20d i feel Dumb. that's right, with a capital D.

to me, the digital world has sapped my creativity. whereas i should have been freed by the widening of opportunity you get with one camera that can shoot at all different film speeds and different conditions, i felt like it took away my choices, my ability to adapt. so now i'm torn between trying to really *figure out* my camera and just wanting to go back to film. which i love. which i can never replace. it's like getting a letter instead of an email. there's just something to be said for having a hard, tangible record of someone's existence. to know what went into the record of communication, the thoughts behind it. i don't think i could ever give that up.



At 2:49 AM , Blogger dave said...

Personally, I truly and wholly appreciate a photographer’s work if they are capable in both the digi and ana world. Everyone under the sun is an amateur photographer with a digital in hand, but (for me) film is a true measure of skill and artistry. You certainly are more than capable in both so go with your instinct. Do both. Be amazing!


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