Aug 6, 2007

taxicab confessions: the truth serum

lately i have been thinking about the effects of alcohol on people's honestly and (in)discretion. i am a person who isn't affected by alcohol in any but the most normal ways. i get maybe a little louder, a little clumsier, maybe just a smidge more ballsy. but i know others who get *forward*, forgetful, or completely forthcoming with information that is either suppressed truth or hops-colored glasses.

a couple of weeks ago, i was conversing with a guy whilst drinking. we hit it off, talked for quite some time, started off sober, got more intoxicated, and eventually it comes out that he has a girlfriend. the guy invited me to a party, on a planned vacation they were going on, all while his girlfriend was in the room. here's what i'm wondering: shouldn't someone who is wont to be faithful still be faithful while drunk? can the mere addition of alcohol truly threaten a relationship that is marked by mutual respect and love, or does it signify an untruth in the guarded sober mind?


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