Aug 27, 2004

cellar door

you know that feeling you have when you've just seen something amazing and you don't want it to end? like the characters are so vivid to you that you just want them to continue existing in your life and not be fictional or finite? this is how i felt on tuesday at the conclusion of the donnie darko director's cut premiere. i felt hopeful somehow, elevated, and i wanted to go do fabulous things after, sing loudly, write a poem, drive with the windows down, really kiss someone. all of this with tears in my eyes.

a strange movie to have this reaction to? perhaps, but seeing the movie while surrounded by people who appreciated it as much as me and laughed at the same parts as me (which never happens to me in movies - i'm always the one lone giggle) and getting to hear richard kelly talk about his experience writing it and his intentions in person. it was just wonderful. i will say nothing about the new version other than my brow was considerably less furrowed this time around, and i thought the soundtrack was flawless before, but i was wrong. now it's superb. superb.


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