Aug 13, 2004

post-red lobster ruminations

You know, it amazes me sometimes the ability we have as living things to adapt. For me, adaptability to new situations has a lot to do with whether or not I know something is going to change. If I'm not mentally prepared, it affects my reaction to it much more drastically, but if I have any semblance of an idea of what's going to change, it barely fazes me. You know the kids at camp who freaked out because they had never been away from home or they missed their parents? I was never one of those kids. In fact, my mom was, I think, a little hurt that I was always so willing to jump into different situations. She told me that the first time she left me with my aunt, I had a wonderful time when she was away and when she came back to get me, a few days later, I looked at her and started bawling because it wasn't until then that I realized she'd left. That was the only time it bothered me. But I digress.

I guess what I'm saying is, every year or two, I find myself surrounded by an entirely different group of people than previously. There are a few characters that carry over, but for the most part, my activities and the people I hang out with are totally different than they were in, say, Summer 2003 or Fall 2002. I have a different job, different home. Even now, I'm looking at a photo from our party a few weeks ago and (though there are still boxes crowding my apartment) I already truly feel that this new place is my home. And I'm ok with that. In fact, I love it. I love looking at someone, a new friend perhaps or someone that was only a face to me two years ago and thinking to myself, things have changed. As they should.


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