Aug 18, 2004

Last night was absolutely lovely. Dorothy and I went to Central Market and got fruit, grilled asparagus and sushi and christened my new old formica kitchen table by dining on it and drinking white wine. We chatted for quite some time and then watched the women's gymnastics (though it seems wrong to call those tiny things women) team final on TV. We argued about the classification of alt-country and how the genre (because of the name) should include bands more like Old '97s than Wilco. Shouldn't alt-country be twangy?

Tonight marks the beginning of birthday activities. Dave 2 (as he is now fondly called at work) is having his birthday dinner tonight at Chuy's. The 'rents are payin' - wooo!!! After that, I may be photographing the A.C. Newman show at The Parish, though it all depends on whether Rank and Revue managed to get us on the list. Pie Heaven 2 is this evening as well, and I shall be baking a pecan pie this afternoon for this purpose. Pie Heaven is a lovely Meiburg idea (Dorothy and Jonathan) that consists of a party where everyone has to bring either pie or beer. What a fabulous combination. The only other thing that challenges this party originality is the party that Ashley's friend Travis had last weekend which was a kegger/garage sale. Really though - what could be better? Getting people drunk so they pay you for things you don't want? Novel, I tell you. It's the wave of the future. Anyway, tomorrow I will be celebrating my birthday with friends in Austin and then Friday, I will be celebrating with friends in San Antonio, since I'll be photographing a conference there on Saturday.

In case you weren't aware of it, Northern Exposure is now playing on the Hallmark channel. I fear that my bedtime is about to become much later because I happened upon it the other day at 11 or 12 and was powerless to resist. It was the episode where John Corbett loses his voice and is told a story about how the only way to get his voice back was to sleep with the most beautiful woman in town. He got his mojo back of course - who can resist John Corbett? Ah how I love those philosophical radio rants. In other news, Fraggle Rock has just been released on DVD. OK I must away...


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