Feb 6, 2008

No news is good news...

and I have news. The last two months of silence have not actually indicated any lack of activity, but rather a great excess of it. I went home to Texas for Christmas and then left immediately upon getting back to Cali on a road trip with my guy and his friend. The road trip was crazy and action-packed and far too much happened to comment on. Though the one thing of importance to note about the trip was that I got strep throat. On New Year's Eve. I couldn't get to a doctor until the 2nd (yay holidays) and after the nightmare that was trying to use student insurance in another state, I finally got treated around 3:45 pm where the woman told me it was the worst strep throat she'd ever seen and I should stay away from small children and animals, or anyone who was immuno-compromised.


Right now, I am in the middle of my third course of penicillin because I can not get rid of the strep. It comes back every two weeks, about 4 days after I finish the 10 days of pills. On top of that, my rental situation has become a nightmare. My landlord has taken issue with the fact that my guy is staying over. He's reminded me that I am only allowed to have guests 6 days out of the month as per my lease agreement. In addition, today he requested that I make sure my guests park on the other side of the street so that the spaces directly in front of the house remain open for actual tenants. This is a public street, in a neighborhood that does not require parking permits. I'm oversimplifying and not recounting full conversations, but suffice it to say that it has been made very clear that my guy is not welcome here at any time and has actually been stated that he has no way of making sure that the guy isn't a criminal who will steal from him or me. So now, despite absolutely loving my apartment and location, I am thinking of leaving. Finding a new place, packing, and moving out in the last half of the quarter, when I really don't have time for anything but school. I've determined that my lease is actually just a month to month rental agreement, so I can move out whenever I want so long as I provide 30 days notice.

Is the peace of mind and cheaper rent worth the headache of moving? I really couldn't say quite yet. But I do know that at the ripe age of 27, the age my mother was when she bore me, I feel absolutely ridiculous having to sneak around and worrying that my landlord is going to come knocking on my door demanding that my boyfriend get the hell out. Aren't I too old to need my daddy's permission to have a boy stay over?


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