Dec 26, 2004

lone star and mistletoe

so thursday night a few friends came over to have a small holiday celebration. i baked shortbread, cherry nut cake, chocolate chip cookies and got eggnog and whiskey and a case of lone star. i even had a christmas tree up. the night started tame but took an unexpected turn later when ashley, dave and i came in from a break outside to find that mac and david had gotten into my underwear drawer. i've now seen two of my guy friends wearing my underwear and bras over their clothes. i was too surprised to even be embarrassed. they also found my robes. that's right. i have about 3 robes, all hung up on the door in my bathroom, two of them are kimono-types that i got from my grandmothers from trips overseas. once dave put on my tie and fedora, i had to intervene, so i took them from him and gave him free reign over my hatbox which is full of scarves, suspenders, my corset, etc. oh the things that ensued. suddenly everyone was sporting a scarf, some around the neck, some around the head. i don't think i've seen people playing dress up like that since i was in 5th grade. i think it was about that time that mac decided we should play king's cup (everything kind of runs together so this may have happened before). somehow i ended up having to drink the king's cup, which was fine until we played a second time and mac made up a rule midway into the game that whoever got the last king, in addition to having to drink the awful mixture of lone star and whiskey and coke, would have to run outside across the street in their underwear and stand there and wave before running back. surely i wouldn't draw the last king again, right? i'd already gotten it once. wrong. i didn't even have to draw it. it drew me. it was the last card left in the game, so as soon as ashley drew her card, she hugged me because we all knew what this meant. i was ushered into the bathroom against my will and ashley picked out the underwear i would wear (she decided i should put some sexy ones over the more conservative ones i was already wearing, because if you're gonna embarrass yourself and freeze your ass off, you might as well do it in style), so she picked out a revealing black lacy number and i put them on and put on one of my robes and they practically forced me downstairs. wait? why did everyone go downstairs? i thought they would be watching from the window. no no no. wrong again. finally i conceded and ashley took my robe and i ran across the street in the 20-something-degree-2-a.m. night, waved and ran back, my toes almost numb from the pavement. how does this happen? that was pretty much the extent of the evening, lots of drunken deeds and ashley getting her ass slapped under the mistletoe, because according to david, "we're doing things differently this year." hehe. ah christmas.


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